반응형 modpack2 [1.301]Crescent's ultimate mod pack v1.4 Modpack made by crescent(me) [color=#FF0000][b]WARNING THIS MOD PACK DOESN"T SUPPORT MULITPLAYER[/b][/color] just download the file and extract it into .minecraft folder availalbe on 1.3_01 [url]Download[/url] http://www.mediafire.com/?uo28ckyf4rrp1tx 1.4changelogs xray11[updated] toomanyitems[updated] dispenser+[updated] Nandonalt's Mods[updated] arrow counter explosive_tipped_crowbar_3.1_01 Ch.. 2011. 3. 2. [1.3_01]crescent's 합쳐진모드팩 버젼 1.3 (설치된모드팩대략많음....!! minecraft.jar) 합본팩 다운로드링크 힘드네요이거하느라....=ㅅ= ㅇㄻㅇ .minecraft폴더에압축을산뜻하게풀어주세요 다운로드링크 설치된모드목록 Elemental arrows 화살대폭추가 morestackables 쌓는거불가능한아이템쌓기 death chest 사망시 상자생성->그자리에아이템보관 audiomod(필수소리용) floodgate(물,용암입구막기툴) spawnergui(몹스포너창) recipebook (조리법) minimap(미니맵) moveplus(무브플러스) optimize(최적화1) lightsensor(빛인식레드스톤반응) signtags(표지판추가능력+++) ambient cave sounds(동굴소리업그레이드) ConvenientInventory_v_1.1.1_for_Beta_1.3_01_TMI.zip(인벤.. 2011. 2. 28. 이전 1 다음 반응형